Help To Get Started

Starting A Business can be a complicated business. In addition to what you actually do – the service you provide, the goods you sell – which you will understand you suddenly have to be good at all sorts of other areas that you had previously never considered- marketing, selling, bookkeeping, administration.

Understanding the legal issues that will apply should be added to this list but is usually overlooked as something to look at down the line. It is then probably too late.

I have lost touch with how many businesses I have encountered wanting help with problems that they would not have in the first place if they had only:

  1. Followed a few basic steps to have those legal documents in place or
  2. Realised that they should not be doing what they had been doing.

To help you get started we are offering the resources you need to start and keep legal- along with other important information on the way.

Terms and Conditions are not pieces of paper but need to be specific to your business and not just lifted from a competitor. Beware – if you do not understand exactly what they mean and what you are getting into.

Packages for Startups

Every business should have at least basic Terms and Conditions and by law a GDPR Privacy Notice. Purchase our readable documents here.

Bite sized Business Startup Packages coming shortly

Free Downloads

We have prepared these free downloadable documents to help you with your start up business.

Starting A Business Checklist

Company or Sole Trader or Partnership – which will it be?

Free Articles and Information

Request A Bespoke Package

If you are looking for a particular package to support your business, please contact us today.